Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Turn on the Music and Let's Dance!

So, I am just loving my new GoWear Fit armband! Just putting it on is inspiring for me--it makes me want to jump up and get moving so that I can see the numbers go up: calories burned, steps taken, etc. A great invention for those of us who have both obsessive and perfectionist tendencies: now exercise has become a self-imposed contest!

This afternoon I turned on some dance music in order to encourage myself to get moving as I was tackling chores around the house. Get moving I did! An hour and 15 minutes later I had burned over 500 calories!! All by just dancing around, picking up a couple of hand weights, and making up my own routine. Exercise doesn't have to be complicated. Just do whatever you can to get your body moving and your heart rate up.

Let's dance!

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