Monday, October 02, 2006

I should be in bed

I'm trying to get over a bad cold. Work has been stressful and zaps much of my energy. I have several journal articles and another chapter to read for my class tomorrow night. I should either be reading or actively taking advantage of the opportunity for sleep.

But I wanted to add another entry to my blog. I can't stand to think of the one lonely entry standing alone, bare on the page, waiting endlessly for the next entries to follow. I hear the whispering calling, "Write......write.....write."

Like I said before, the beginnings are often the hardest. Especially when I know only that I want to write, but don't yet know what it is that I want to articulate. I stare at the sterile computer screen and painfully await the forced inspiration.

The thoughts that come to mind tonight are peaceful ones. Life is good. In spite of the somewhat chaotic nature of my days this past week, the burn-out I have been feeling at work, the current lowered state of my immune system as I try to fight off this major head cold, and the many household tasks that lay unfinished around my living space, I still take a look around me and give thanks that life is good. I love my life right now. I am with the one that I love--my companion and best friend. I am embarking on a new career path, beginning with my first semester of study towards earning my Masters in Library and Information Science. I am loving my courses and feel strongly affirmed that I am clearly on the right path in terms of finding my vocation, my calling. I love my family and the ways that we continue to bond even "across the distance" and I celebrate Papa's recovery from recent health-scares. In spite of the stresses that I am currently wrestling with, I sleep easy at night knowing I am at home in the world and life is good.

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