Friday, June 08, 2007


It's Friday! It has been a fairly productive week. In trying to address my long list of "things to do" it has been my goal to tackle at least one item on the list each evening. In doing so, this also allows me--in most cases--to have a little bit of time left over for something that is more fun. In other words, I essentially have two lists running concurrently: the "chores" and the "interests." So far this approach seems to be working.

Things I have accomplished this week:
  • Learning to change my own car battery.
  • Taking my car in to be detalied in preparation for selling.
  • Taking my bike in to be serviced in preparation for FINALLY putting some miles on it!
  • Cleaning off my desk..and actually filing the "to be filed" pile.
Now the fun things:
  • Visited The Park of Roses at Whetstone--a part of the park I had not yet seen.
  • Learned to change my own car battery. (Okay, this is also on my "chore" list, but I was both excited by and proud of the accomplishment!)
  • Visited Innis Woods Metro Park--this park is also known for its cultivated gardens and it was definitely beautiful! I can't wait to go back and check it out more fully!

This weekend is the Columbus Arts Festival, and the weather should be beautiful. I'm planning to go down Saturday evening with friends. I look forward to such events as ways of finding inspiration for my own creativity. Hopefully by mid-summer I can get sufficiently caught up on my major chore list to find more time for engaging in some art projects.

Happy Friday!


Cindy said...

Don't forget to add purchasing your plane ticket for exciting trip to California to your list of accomplishments for the week. I can't wait to see you. I'm glad you are updating your blog again. Congrats on all of the things you accomplished this week. You are very inspiring!

Kristy said...

Oh, how could I forget that one! I have thought of some other things I forgot to add, too. But of course now they escape me!