Monday, June 18, 2007

The 15 Minute Game

Today I started a new contest with my sister, Cindy. As a way to mutually encourage one another in our fitness goals I suggested we have a contest: to engage in 15 minutes of exercise per day--and the first person who misses a day is the LOSER. We have not yet decided what the award/penalty for winning/losing is...but I'm sure we will come up with something creative.

Tonight I walked Emmi around our subdivision...after one full loop she was trailing me, so I traded her in for Murphy and gave him the opportunity for a lap as well. Emmi can have her high energy moments, but put her outside in the heat of summer and she goes into slow motion! Murphy, on the other hand, is like a spring loaded bouncy ball.

Emmi in her slow motion pose:

Murphy, in a rare calm moment:


Cindy said...

I am so not going to lose. Cute pics of the dogs by the way. Did you take those last night or are they just for illustrative purposes?

Kristy said...

Hmmm....that sounds like a challenge!!

The pics are from before, but the one of Murphy was taken in the last couple of months. I can't remember how old the one of Emmi is, but I thought it seemed fitting.